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Feel Positive and ready for birth

Is hypnobirthing right for me?

Everything you need to know about starting a hypnobirthing course...


What is the 'hypno' part all about?


Hypnosis brings up different ideas for different people, so lets set things straight... hypnobirthing is not about watching a pocket watch swing or barking like a dog! Hypnobirthing is about using hypnosis along side antenatal education to help reset your mind-frame and expectations around birth so that you aren't full of fear and anxiety, and can increase your chances of a positive birth.


What will I learn in a Contented Beginnings hypnobirthing course?


Contented Beginnings is a personalised course, a huge passion of mine and backed by years of working with women just like you.

This is a full antenatal course, explaining the normal physiology of childbirth and what to expect. It explores the choices ahead of you including where and how you want to give birth, and also things that may impact your experience. I will teach you tools that can support you during labour, and also ways your birth partner can support you. I will also provide you with hypnobirthing MP3's so you can listen to these at home but also during labour, helping you release any fear and tension on the day. We will talk about the mind-body connection and why this common sense approach can make you feel empowered and have a more positive birth.


This course will give you the information you need to feel prepared for whatever type of birth you have because it acknowledges the inevitable unpredictability of child birth, its realistic useful information to help you navigate these situations while still feeling you can influence your experience.



What hypnobirthing isnt!


Hypnobirthing isn't just for women who want home births or who are against pain relief. It has supported thousands of women, from water births, breech babies and planned Caesarean births.


Hypnobirthing isn't a promise of a birth going to 'plan', but is flexible with the unexpected turns a labour can take. It is about realistic expectations from understanding physiological labour. Hypnobirthing is about improving your experience and the way you feel, and around the decisions you make that are best for you and your baby. All mothers, babies and their births are unique.


 Hypnobirthing is about how YOU feel and doesn't limit you in any of your choices for your care.  The course cant promise you a pain free birth, what it can promise is to make you more informed and equipped to make choices, and give you tools to support you in labour. Many women feel hypnobirthing helped improve their labour experience and it can reduce the chances of medical intervention. Some women find the tools in hypnobirthing are enough that they don't need other pain relief drugs, but this is an individual decision. So let me help you have the birth that is right for you.




Why this is a great course for a birthing partner...


It can be hard as a birthing partner, not knowing what to expect and how to support your partner as she labours. This course explains what will happen and gives the birthing partner tools to be supportive and not simply feel like a lemon in the room! Sometimes partners can be sceptical about being involved in a hypnobirthing course, but often end up really valuing having a guide for the things they can do to help!



 When to book...

 I recommend booking from 24 weeks onwards, but its important to keep in mind that the more time you have to practice the earlier you become effective in using the hypnobirthing skills. If however you have come across this  course closer to your due date, please don't be put off and contact me for a more intense and condensed course. Its never too late in your pregnancy to be open to improving your experience


I so look forward to working with you, so send me a message if there is anything else you'd like to know 

Hypnobirthing Courses

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